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Studio Policy for School-Age Students 2011-12, Page 2

Attendance and Practicing

    Regular attendance is necessary for consistent progress.  No tuition credits or make-up lessons are given.  The schedule includes one bonus week, which covers teacher or student absences and/or weather-related studio closures.  Students enrolled in the Active High School plan may cancel a lesson for cause with a minimum 24-hour notice.  Lack of practice is not acceptable cause.

    Please provide a well-tuned and cared-for acoustic piano, placed in a location conducive to concentration (not necessarily isolated).  Help your child by working with them to establish a regular time for the daily practice.  Pianos keep their tuning best when tuned twice each year.  Mrs. Todd recommends Concord Pianos, 503-648-5247, for tuning services.

    Students are expected to complete and abide by a practice agreement, which is updated each fall.  A commitment to consistent, uninterrupted practice time is important for the best progress.  All students are expected to practice at least five days per week.  The lesson does not count as a practice, but it is VERY GOOD to have at least a short practice directly after the lesson.  The emphasis needs to be on mind spent, not only time spent.  Although the student is primarily responsible, parents must accept their responsibility in seeing to it that the student has time to practice regularly.

Studio Calendar  

Our Enrollment Agreement Year begins May 31 with summer schedule lessons.  Students will continue on their school-year schedule through the end of school.  Monday students have lessons May 23 in place of Memorial Day Monday.  After school is out, additional lessons are to be scheduled.  Students may have one additional bonus lesson if the schedule allows, and may purchase additional summer lesson time as desired.    School-Year Lessons recommence the second week of the school year.  The Studio Calendar is posted in the studio and on the Studio Website.  

The Parent’s Role

Praise and encouragement are the parents’ greatest tools in helping your young musicians.  Sit down and listen to your child’s practice immediately following their lesson, then listen again just before the next lesson and comment upon the improvement you hear. Your involvement and encouragement will let your child know how much you really enjoy their music.

 Talk to me about any questions you or your child may have.  Communication is important to a good learning relationship!  Parents are welcome to attend any lesson, or wait in the adjoining room.  Parent-Teacher Conferences are available upon request.  Please do not attempt to engage the teacher in conference about your student during another student’s lesson time.

Recitals, Auditions & Festivals

There are many performance opportunities available to students here.  Students in the Susan Todd Music Studio may participate in festivals and adjudications for performance, composition, and ensemble.  A listing of many of the possible extra activities is attached, along with approximate fees.  Exact entry fees will be announced closer to enrollment time for each activity.  All event enrollment fees are non-refundable after the stated enrollment deadline.

Student Policy P3.