Welcome to the
Duds Club Coordination Station
Duds Coordinator: fastkeys88-at-susantoddmusicstudio.com
*Duds Club is a group of teachers who met on the Pno-Ped-L Piano Pedagogy Discussion List.
Visit Details on joining that list HERE. Email Susan Todd for details on joining the Duds Club
Duds Box #______ Please email coordinator Susan Todd at fastkeys88-at-SusanToddMusicStudio.com when you receive this and when you send it on. Thanks!
If you don’t get an e-response, please call Susan at (503) 515-2670.
Duds Club Website: http://www.susantoddmusicstudio.com/duds_page.html This will give you the email of the next person on the list, which is usually who you send the box to. Go ahead and email them to get their mailing address and be sure they are ready to receive a box. Thanks!