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Studio Policy for Adult Students 2011/12

The Teacher

Susan M. Todd, NCTM has been teaching piano for over thirty-five years.  Mrs. Todd is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM), and is member of the National Federation of Music Clubs and the Oregon Music Teachers Association (OMTA,) affiliated with Music Teachers National Association (MTNA.)  Mrs. Todd served OMTA as Portland District President (2005-07) and State President (2008-10) and is now MTNA Certification Commissioner for the Northwest Division (2010-13.) Mrs. Todd holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Wichita State University in Kansas, and has done graduate coursework at Kansas State University, University of Kansas and Portland State University.  Also an active performer, Mrs. Todd works with Calvary Lutheran Church, Hillsboro High School, and has performed piano 8-hand with Too Grand since 1997.


Piano students enrolled in The Susan Todd Music Studio are offered a well-rounded program of instruction with training in repertoire, theory, musicianship, ear training, technique, music history, improvisation, sight-reading and ensemble playing.

The Private Lesson is the core of instruction.  During this time we work to develop a good piano technique, strong music-reading skills, clear understanding of music theory as applied to the pieces at this level of study, and explore a variety of music styles and forms.  

Playing Classes will be held several times during the year, and attendance is expected.  We will focus primarily on performance and informed listening skills, and may also include some time for lessons in music history, ensemble playing or improvisation.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition may be paid in four- or ten-week blocks, in advance.  Tuition for 2011-12 is $58/hour.  Tuition is due the first lesson of each new block.  A $25 late payment fee is added to accounts not paid within 15 days.  Returned check fee is $30. A Library Fee of $10 per quarter (September, December and March only) covers wear and tear on borrowed materials, and helps assure a wide variety of materials available to borrow.

Enrolling students are reserving their placement in the studio.  The Enrollment Agreement is a firm commitment, and guarantees your place in the studio.  Should you decide to discontinue lessons, paid notice of four weeks is required.  

The cost of music you keep is billed with tuition.  Any damaged music will be charged at current replacement cost.   Sheet music kept more than four weeks and books or CDs kept more than three months becomes the property of the student and will show up on your bill.  

Studio Calendar  

Lessons are given weekly during the school year (mid-September – mid-June.) There are no lessons the week of Thanksgiving, during the Winter Holidays (2-3 weeks) or during Spring Break (late March.)  Summer lessons are available by appointment.  The Studio Calendar is posted in the studio and on the Studio Website.

Attendance and Practicing

Regular attendance is necessary for consistent progress.  No tuition credits or make-up lessons are given for lessons missed without notice.  Adult Students may cancel a lesson for cause with a minimum 24-hour notice.  Lack of  practice is not acceptable cause.

While a keyboard is acceptable for the first two years of lessons, acoustic is preferred for better sound and technique.  Pianos keep their tuning best when tuned twice each year.  Mrs. Todd recommends Concord Pianos, 503-648-5247, for tuning services.

A commitment to consistent, uninterrupted practice time is important for the best progress.  All students are expected to practice at least five days per week.  The lesson does not count as a practice, but it is quite helpful to have at least a short practice directly after the lesson.  The emphasis needs to be on mind spent, not only time spent.  


Talk to me about any questions you may have.  Communication is important to a good learning relationship!  



More Information about Studio Events  can be found on Student Policy Page 3 .

Click Next (below) to go to the Tuition page.

Updated 4/27/2011

Tuition Rates.